Friday, December 16, 2016


To start with, I think that I can do lots of different things that I could´t do before, such as talking with more vocabulary and expressions, knowing how to control some topics about gramar and so on. Also, I´ve learnt some things about Arizona, where Clarisa lives and that´s great!
However, I still have had some weaknesses like how to do some tasks related with the blog or organasing my notes with the vocabulary that I´m going to post in it later.
On the other hand, I did well in speaking because is one of my favourites parts in English. You can comunicate with other people all around the world, know how to manage in different situations and places and you can travel almost wherever you want! Whereas, I need to improve some topics like    I´ve said  before like updating the blog more often or even things related with organisation.
Furthemore, I really enjoy the proyects such as the video of the song "Cant stop the feeling" because I think that you can have fun, spend time with your classmates and also learn English in different and amazing ways. Cristina plays an important role in that part because with her actitude and her way of teaching, she makes us loving English like I do!
To sum up, I need to work on some parts and try to improve them for the next term but with work and dedication, I´m sure I will achieve success. So, let´s try to make the most of the English class!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016



Be aware of: to know, undestand
Looking forward to +ing: can´t wait!
Flipped teachers: teachers that teach in a different way( with music, computers...)
Entirely: totally
Take ages: that takes a long time
Parcel: box with something in it
Bleach: to make whiter or lighter in color
Request: ask something in a very polite way
Fasten: to attach the sitbelt
Stream: see, watch
Yawn: to open the mouth usually when you are really tired

·UNIT 1·

Owe: to be obligated to pay someone
Own: something that belongs to oneself
Sympathetic: feeling sympathy, someone who undestand you
Loyal: faithful to someone, a person you can trust in
Hypocritical: person who pretends to have virtues that he or she doesn´t actually have
Feel confident: feel better with somebody
Is only ever cruel to be kind: tells you when something is worng even if it can hurt your feelings
Untrusworthy: not deserving of trust
Despite/ in spite of
Isolated: separated from other person or thing

I used to +ING
Get used to +ING (he is getting used to...)

May: ask something,  more probability
Might: less probability


Get better: improve at something
Get involve: participate in some activity that you really like doing
Get permission
Get the feeling
Get things done
Get used to
Make a difference
Make an effort
Make an impression
Make the most of it


Idc: I don´t care
Idk: I don´t know
Asap: as son as posible
Bc: because
BFN: by for now
Wyd: what you doing
OMG: oh my god!
Lol: laugh out loud
Lmao: laugh my ass off
Rn: right now
Np: no problema
Btw: by the way
Gtg: got to go
Brb: be right back
Oc: of course
JK: just kidding!
Ily: I love you
Ty: thank you
Ttyl: text to you later
U2: you too
TLC: tender loving care

·UNIT 2·

A success(noun): the favorable result of something
Successful(adj.): to have success
Succeed(verb): in +verb -ING something

Fundraising auction
Broadcast: transmit
Piggy bank
Yummy!: delicious!
Budget: a sum of money for a particular purpose
shot-sighted: suffering from myopia
big-headed: stubborn
Thread: a thin, fine cord to great lenght
Sew: to join ot attach
Blade: the thing used to shave
Leaner: thiner
Insurance Company
Slogan: a catchphase or samll group of words that are combined in a certain way to identify a product or a Company

Few: not many
Little: not much
A few: some( samll amount)
A Little: some(small amount)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

We have started a new school year! This is our last year in this high school so... let´s have fun and try to make the most of it! 😊


Tuesday, March 08, 2016


armed robber: atraco con arma
burglar: robo en una casa
detective: detective
fraudster: fraude
judge: juez
lawyer: abogado
mugger: atracador
murderer: asesino
pólice officer: policía
private investigator: investigador privado
thief: ladron
traffic warden: guardia de trafico

arson: piromanía
blackmail: chantaje
credit-card fraud: fraude de tarjetas de crédito
drug-dealing: trafico de drogas
forgery: falsificacion
identity theft: robo de identidad
kidnapping: secuestro
mugging: robo con violencia
pickpocketing: carterista
shoplifting: robo en tiendas
smuggling: contrabando
speeding: superar el limite de velocidad
vandalism: vandalismo

arrest: arrestar
black market: el mercado negro
case: caso
evidence: evidencia, prueba
interview: entrevista
suspicious: sospechoso
trap: atrapar
business owner:  hombre de negocios
ecologist: ecologista
household: familiar
lawmaker: legislativo
local council: ayuntamiento
resident: residente
illegal: ilegal
illogical: ilógico
imposible: imposible
irresponsible: irresponsable
unfair: injusto


amusing: divertido
annoying: molesto
confusing: confuso
embarrasing: embarazoso
fascinating: fascinante
frightening: aterrador
inspiring: inspirante
irritating: irritante
motivating: motivador
relaxing: relajante
upsetting: decepcionante
worrying: preocupante

browse: buscar
charge: cargar
plug in: enchufar
press: presionar
scroll: desplazar para abajo
stream: transmitir
swipe: cambiar
switch off: apagar
switch on: encender
tap: tocar
text: mensajear, escribir
unplug: desconectar
update: actualizar

burst out laughing: echarse a reir
gap: espacio, hueco
gesture: gesto
misunderstanding: malentendido
nod your head: decir que si
shake your head: decir que no
express: expresar
hit: pegar
invite: invitar
spread news: expandir noticias
squeeze: apretar
warn: advertir
excited: excitado
exciting: excitante
frightened: asustado
frightening: aterrador
irritated: irritado
irritating: irritante

Subject´s Survey